Structural Editing: Focuses on the big picture—organization, flow, and structure of the content. It involves reordering paragraphs, restructuring sentences, and ensuring logical coherence.
Content Editing: Involves refining the substance of the writing—ensuring accuracy, clarity, and depth of information. It might involve adding, removing, or rephrasing content to enhance its quality.
Style Editing: Focuses on the overall writing style, ensuring consistency in tone, language usage, and adherence to a particular style guide (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
Copy Editing: Involves checking grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax errors. It ensures the text conforms to language rules and is error-free.
Fact-Checking: Verifying the accuracy of information presented in the content, ensuring it is reliable and credible.
Proofreading is the final step before publishing. It involves a detailed review to identify and correct any remaining errors, typically focusing on: