Student loan debt is one of the biggest problems facing individuals & families today in our country. For the first time ever, the total amount of student loan debt has become larger than mortgage debt. College undergraduates & professional graduate students are leaving school with amounts of student loan debt that was unheard of 40 years ago. For example, an older attorney that works with our law firm graduated from UNC in '70. He paid a year's tuition for law school by selling encyclopedias door-to-door during the summer. That would be impossible today! Because of this debt, many single people & couples graduating are having a difficult time getting approved to buy cars, houses, and other large purchases. More problematic is the fact that many people know very little about student loans, repaying debt, and things like loan consolidation, forbearance, and default. The reports/plans that I provide give you the info that you need to know about those topics: default, consolidation, & forgiveness programs. 1 report is $25, 2 reports is $35, and all 3 is for $45. I am also happy to try to answer any questions you have on the subject. Thank you.