PUBLICITY SERVICES FOR AUTHORS AND ENTERTAINERS Publicity puts the power of the media in your hands, allowing you to share your work with the broadest possible audience. It allows you to gain public visibility and awareness of a product, service, or company through a wide array of media outlets, through the highly strategic coordination and dissemination of information about your work. From a marketing perspective, publicity has a great many advantages, including low cost and high credibility, based on the quality of the media placements. Rebel Marketing will coordinate domestic and international campaigns specially designed for your project. We work with clients to develop the creation of an individualized press kit for target markets. The press kits may include: a mission statement; general and targeted press releases; bios, press photos and interviews with principals, corporate boilerplate; and general press photos and product shots. We will also work with you to identify opportunities for exclusive placements, special features, and trend stories that can be developed from the project and added to personalized press kits. Press kits can be made in print, digital, and video formats. Rebel will conceptualize and coordinate all aspects of the press campaign, including the creation of a customized media list, and the dissemination of pitch letters and press kits. We will also coordinate news stories, feature stories, interviews, and reviews, and will regularly report and distribute press clips to the client and social media networks. We will be available for regular consultation meetings throughout the press campaign to ensure you are kept up-to-date and your objectives are being met.