I love developing programs, solving problems, debugging codes and learning new skills. For the past 3+ years I have been writing programs in a number of different programming languages like C++, Python, Java, HTML, CSS, MySQL, PHP. But C++ and Python are my favorite ones.
If you got any C++, Python tasks or even for the other languages I mentioned, you can contact me and discuss your problem.
Some of the topics that you might need my services for are:
- Functional Programming, Arrays
- Object Oriented Programming (Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Function Overloading. . .)
- Open MPI and MPI for parallel and distributed computing
- Data Structures ( Stack, Queue, Binary Search Tree, Graph, Linked Lists. . .)
- Algorithms ( Depth First Search, Breath First Search, Bubble Sort. . .)
- Game Development with Pygame
- GUI Application Development with Tkinter
- Python Database Applications
- Basic Flask CRUD Application
I will be glad to hear your problem and solve it. I will write code using good coding standards like commenting, indenting etc. And will put my 100% efforts so that I can deliver the solution to task before time.