I'm a highly skilled python programmer that takes on side jobs for the challenge. I like to work on small, one-off projects that deal with data transformation/automation/extraction. I'm usually brought in to solve problems that others have failed -- or that have been poorly implemented. My code is typically small, well documented, but sometimes deceptively complex. I will typically just solve the problem, and if it's something that needs to be done frequently, I can optimize it for multi-threading or better optimization at customer request.
Because I do this for fun, I'm somewhat picky on my jobs.
Projects I enjoy:
- Data Transformation
- Data Extraction
- Data Automation
- Projects where others have failed
Projects I avoid:
- Web Projects
- UI Projects
- Critical Turnaround. I'll do them, but my rate is way up there if you do.
- Projects working with binary data. I'll also do these, but that's not my forte, so your money may be better spent elsewhere.