Web Scraping & Data Mining in Python
This service helps you search the web for whatever you want to know incl also emails, Skype IDs, wechat IDs, mobile nos, various products and price information, structured data, based on popular search engines and spiders. Indepth analyses will also be provided. Crawling or scraping results will be provided according to the formats required by clients.
Custom crawlers may also be developed for you, particularly in Python. Using customized crawlers or spiders you are in control of the whole search process, avoiding any possible privacy violation and improving the reliability of the search results as well.
Artificial Intelligence (AI/ML) Applications with Python incl also Web Scraping, Data Mining & Analysis
At the same time, AI (Artificial Intelligence), big data analysis and data mining technologies will be explored using Python technologies to undertake fine-tuned analysis and optimization.
I have come to AI because AI is heavily involved in the IC design and verification, not just now. A couple of years ago, when I was interested in graphtheoretical researches on IC design, some sorts of AI techniques and algorithms were used in the design of optimal graph algorithms. And now IC and IP core verification is heavily dependent on some AI techniques to improve the verification as well as design process.
My datascience and AI expertise cover a much wider range of areas than those mentioned above.
I can provide you with
customized codes
UI software
Android apps and
Windows and Linux executables with command lines
in Python for various purposes of web scraping, data mining, analysis, other data processing needs for AI and other applications. Please tell me your needs and let me provide you with my complete web scraping, data mining and AI solution package at the highest quality and best prices and in reasonable time windows.