- Developing APIs and API centric Applications for any given use case using python
- Back end developer in Django and FastAPI
Python Developer - FAST API, Django, Pygame, Py Test, spacy Hugging Face
Javascript - React JS, JEST, React Native
Deep Learning - RNN, LSTM, Images Processing, Natural Language Processing (NLP), PCA and Artificial Neural Networks, Tensorflow, pyTorch, spacy Hugging Face, Transformers
Machine Learning: sklearn, random forest classifier, naive bayes, predictive boosting, XG boosting, Hot encoding, feature extraction, Supervised/Unsupervised Learning techniques.
Natural Language Processing: Custom Word Embeddings, Transformers, spacy, hugging face, Jina, fast.ai, word2vec, BERT, visual BERT, name entity recognition and text classification.
Data Preprocessing and Data preparation.