I am developing websites for the last 3 years using Django, Python, SQLite,
I have developed the following websites using the above technologies.
1. The TG Scheme:- This website is developed by me for an institute in Maharashtra. This website is deployed on the internal LAN of the Institute. There are five types of users in this website with different abilities. Students and teacher guardians are the major users of this system. This system is mainly used for tracking the activities of the students, such as participation, rewards, academic performance. This system also allows students to upload images of various certificates.
2. News Aggregator: This website is developed for one share market trading company. This company has to keep eye on every news related to the share market. There are many news websites available in today's world. The problem here was the same news is available on all these news websites with a slightly different title and the company's time was getting wasted by reading the same news on different news websites. To overcome this problem, the News Aggregator website was built to cluster similar news articles. To develop this website, Django framework was used with various machine learning and deep learning technologies.
3. Website for cloth shop: This website is being developed for one cloth shop. In this website, all products of the shop are available on the website with the price. A customer can select these products, add them to a cart and then buy these products. The login facility is also available for customers. Customers can also search products category-wise.