MITYUNG offer custom solutions for implementing Python applications ensuring data security and protection and identifying data storage solutions. We have experienced Python developers who collaborate with the clients and build custom Python applications keeping in mind a business’s key objectives. Our team of experts focuses on providing agile, secure, scalable, performance-based Python development practices. The team has extensive expertise in working with Pyramid and Django Python frameworks. Solutions For: • Building dynamic websites Technology expertise: For delivering Python-based web solutions, we use the following technologies. • Web desktop applications: Django, TurboGears, web2py, Torando, Flask, and Pyramid • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB • CMS: Open-EDX, Django-oscarm, Django SHOP, and Mezzanine • Tools: Angularjs, SQLAlchemy, PeeweeResbarry-PI, Motor, Pymongo, and Django-Mongo-Engine