● 8.0 Years Experienced in ReactJS, Redux, Redux-thunk, NodeJS, Mongodb and React-native.
● lerna tool use for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
● Eslint for linting and Flow for type checking use
● write different test cases like Structuring Tests, Unit tests, Mock test, Integration
Tests,Component Tests, Testing User Interactions, End-to-End Tests
● Able to work independently with little to no supervision as well as functioning as an excellent
team Leader.
● Experienced in create react on base adobe xd, Zeplin
● tracing and debugging any existing code in the development and production environment. •
team handles based on deadline and requirements. divide work and create separate tickets in
jira and assign them to developers. collect work base on ticket id in git and review code base on
coding standard and business requirement merge code to develop branch
● Plans, coordinates and executes development activities within the scope of individual projects