Thanks for your watching my profile with your precious time. My name is Jin Sokha. I'm a cryptologist turned programmer turned full-stack javascript developer. I have 9+ years of programming experience (C, C++, Javascript) and I've been doing web development since 2011. I am a reliable and passionate developer who pays great attention to details and keeps regular communication with clients and team members. I follow best practices and take special care in optimization as well as security. I'm always ready to start working with you. Expertise in Summary : ? Cryptocurrency - Payment Integration, Exchange & Trading Platform, Blockchain, IPFS ? Backend - Meteor, Node, Express, REST, GraphQL, Django, Laravel, Ruby on Rails ? Frontend - React, Redux, Angular, Typescript, GraphQL ? Databases - Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, MongoDB ? Web Design - Styled Components, Storybook, SASS, Ant Design, Material UI ? Third-Party API Integration - Stripe, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, Google Maps, Google Places, Google Analytics, Cloudinary, Discourse, Mailgun, Mixpanel, Olark and more .. ? Teamwork - BitBucket, Github, Trello, Jira, Slack, Git ? Software Development - Agile Methodology ? Other Languages & Frameworks - C, C++, Qt, Python, Android, IONIC, React Native