The great reasons for getting a promotion and salary increase lies in the points mentioned in this article.
Employees often cast reasons for not being promoted to many causes, including medium, nepotism and prejudice to certain races, ethnicities or even religions, which is true but in a small proportion, since the great reasons for obtaining promotion and salary increase are the following (according to successful businessmen):
Excited to work : Many employees are not excited to work, their understanding is to finish working time and go home. If you want to get promoted you should get excited and work like you're going to get a manager position, if you don't like your job, either leave it or force yourself to love it, it's the laws of success that you do something that you like because you get excited to do automatically.
Trust yourself : Self-confidence is a factor of getting promoted. If someone else before you can, you too, other than your mindset to think of a position higher than the current one, don't grumble and don't complain. Your mindset is one of the reasons why you are not promoted. The mind and body are connected. The feelings of mistrust will affect your performance at work.
Change your thoughts : Other than the ideas you think about during the course of work, stay away from malice, jealousy and focus on work, propose new ideas like you are a new person in the company.
Tact : Managers are not in favour of upgrading a person who is untouchable and troublesome, be a person who is tactful and polite in dealing with others, offer help to everyone and help your companions in their tasks. They will automatically respect you if you do so.
Accuracy of appointments : Time management is a key element for success, imagine with me a manager who doesn't stick to his time with customers and always delays? Do you think this manager deserves promotion?
Effectiveness : I came from home to work and devote all your time to it, stay away from side conversations that consume a large part of working time, prayer time and rest time are specific and do not waste them and be serious, if you are really serious about increasing your salary.
Request additional work : Entrepreneurs say that 9 out of 10 employees merely perform the work required of them and are confined to the additional work assigned to them, I ask for additional work and unleash your creativity, you may be the only one at work who adds more value than others.
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