Dr. Shahzada Qamar Hussain
Assistant Professor
I have published so far 55 SCI (Citation: 670, h. index: 15) research articles in high impact factor journals such as Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Solar Energy and Applied Surface Science, and in Scopus listed international conferences. I have more than ten years of research experience.
- Article Reference Adding Service using Endnote.... Since References are an essential part of the manuscript. Each Sci Journal has a unique format of reference. I can complete the full references for any Journal format. Service Charges: 20 $ for Reference formatting for any Journal (1st time only). If you want to resubmit your article in any other Journal, the second time we provide service for free for the same paper's reference.
- Research Article Editing Service.... I offer the Research article editing service related to the following keywords. 1. Material Science, Renewable Energy, Solar Cell, Photovoltaics, Nanomaterials, thin-films, transparent conductive oxides.... etc. Service Charges: 30 $ per 1000 words We can edit as well as organize the research article as per the style of the target Journal.
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Best Regards
Dr. Qamar