My core strength is the quantitative research in the field of Finance particularly regarding corporate finance, corporate governance and investment. I am also an expert of different types of literature review techniques including bibliometric analysis, systematic literature review and Meta-analysis. Reference management is also an added strength of my research capabilities. I have hands on expertise in various research related software including SPSS, STATA, WEKA (for Machine Learning), R Studio, VOS viewer (bibliometric analysis), Mendeley and Endnote etc. I completed my Ph.D. in 2019 after completing my thesis titled as "Prediction and Indirect Cost of Financial Distress". Till 2020, I also have published 20 research publications in renowned journals. I also have been teaching in higher education since 2012. I have taught various finance related courses to undergraduate and graduate level classes. I am looking to help firms in completing their research projects to solve some specific problem. I am also ?available to help (only supervisory role) undergraduate and graduate students in completing their research.