currently i sell on amazon and ebay part time. I also do
work on other sites.
dowding industries. 2 years experience. currently laid off
from here.
titan plastics. 2 years.
days inn, housekeping. 5 years of experence.
qd and speedway 3 years experience in customer service area. Employment History:currently i sell on amazon and ebay part time. I also do work on other sites. dowding industries. 2 years experience. currently laid off from here.titan plastics. 2 years. days inn, housekeping. 5 years of experence.qd and speedway and 3 years experience in customer service area.Educational backgroung:HS diploma2 years college- medical coding and billing. also secretarial education.Virtual office skills and equipment:I have tons of paper related office supplies to keep a organized log of everything. also I have a laptop with built in camera. I have also a headset and a printer/copier/scanner.I have experience in customer service, data entry in word and excel, and good