I believe my working experience with local NGOs, businesses as well as international experience will make me well placed for the execution of the tasks associated with this work.
I have ten-year experience in conducting researches, studies, surveys, needs assessments as well as assessment and evaluation of projects with NGO and business sectors.
The main clients of consultancy/assessment/evaluation projects are the following international organizations: CoE, UNHCR, IOM, UNV as well as USAID.
The research areas include:
• Refugees from Syria, Iraq and Azerbaijan living in Armenia and became well aware of their needs and challenges;
• Migrants;
• Volunteering;
• NGO capacity assessment/evaluation.
Majority of the research papers has to cover the following:
1. Former, current and ongoing programs working in Armenia;
2. Assessment of the legal framework regulating asylum seeking in the RA;
3. Analysis of statistical data
4. Assessment of the institutional framework in charge of asylum seeking in the RA;
5. Assessment of the economic components supporting refugees;
6. Good practice identified by the public authorities, civil society organizations, international organizations in charge of asylum seeking in Armenia in their respective field;
7. Developing a list of findings/recommendations.
All conducted researches required: development of methodology, development of wok strategy, desk research, data sampling, qualitative and quantitative data collection including - questionnaire development and conducting meetings, expert interviews, community interviews, face–to-face interviews, round tables, focus groups; data analysis using SPSS, EXCEL and final report preparation.
I used to work with group of people that are in stress and might be aggressive.