The curriculum in Computer Engineering at Dokuz Eylül University (DEU). enabled me to improve my knowledge and have a good background. Theoretical and practical courses given by D.E.U. such as Data Mining, Machine Learning, Applications of Decision Support Systems, Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence, Analysis and Design of Algorithms provided me a strong knowledge base in Computer Science and Engineering fields. In addition to the projects we implemented as a group during my undergraduate years, my internships and dissertation taught me well how to use this given knowledge to solve real life problems. I want to summarize some of the projects I developed in my bachelor education. In the Network Services and Applications course, I have developed a real-time sensor network which measures the air quality and shows the necessary values published by The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. I implemented the bachelor thesis project. Main purpose of this project is to develop a smart approach using artificial neural networks to predict drug combination effects. The neural network accepts the gene expression pattern of each compound and recommends the best compound combinations as new potential therapy for cancer patients. Moreover, I applied Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbors algorithms by using Breast Cancer dataset to predict diagnosis. On the other hand, Microsoft SSIS and Adventure Works DW are used to increase profit of a company by using geographical location and applied promotions.