Researching is what I do best. I grew up in a particularly interesting time period in American educational history. I was taught first how to research in paper books using traditional methods and then transitioned into using technology based resource sources in my higher education. Thus, my research skills combine the best practices from the two schools of thought and assist my critical thinking skills in solving questions that arise throughout the research process. I am an alumna from a premier liberal arts university. I was a history major with a concentration in humanities and information technology. I am currently preparing to return to graduate school. In additional to my educational background, I have six years of experience in customer service, web development, strategic business planning, research for a multitude of different industries, management and task delegation experience. I am searching for online positions that allow me the schedule flexibility my new schedule will require. I am extremely detail oriented and an experienced user of all the Microsoft and Apple main suite software programs (Excel, Word, Numbers, Pages, etc.). I am confident that I am capable of providing you with the high quality product you seek.