All Services Programming & Development Responsive web design with HTML CSS PHP $8/hr · Starting at $25 Responsive webdesigns using HTML5, CSS3, PHP & Wordpress. I custom design websites. The process is: 1) I create Photoshop designs. It can be any design you want. There are no restrictions to the kind of web design you can have. Just give me a sketch or a description of your design or samples of other sites you like. I will design it for you and keep making changes till you like the design. 2) Once you like the designs I convert the Photoshop files to HTML5 & CSS3 layouts, using responsive frameworks like Skeleton, Bootstrap and Foundation, depending on the needs of the project. I will host it on a development server so that you can test out the static HTML website and verify that all the effects and functionality is working. 3) I use jQuery plugins for special effects to add that extra "bling" to your site. Like fancy slideshows, rollovers and popups. I can code almost any effect for you. Just describe it to me and I will try make it happen. jQuery is mobile friendly and will work on mobile devices, unlike Flash which doesn't. 4) After the HTML is ready, and you approve it, I convert it into a Wordpress theme or custom code the website in PHP. Wordpress lets you manage your website without having to deal with the code and technicalities. 5) Once the site is running the way you want it to I will upload it to your hosting service. I will upload the site and set up the Wordpress installation and database. I will also migrate any data that you might have created on the development server. 6) I integrate your site with social media networks and install Wordpress plugins to ensure that your site is spam free and safe from hackers. I create social media accounts on the main social networks if you don't already have accounts. I design the cover images and profile photos to give your social media accounts a professional and consistent look. I set up Facebook open graph plugins on your site so that About $8/hr · Ongoing Download Resume Responsive webdesigns using HTML5, CSS3, PHP & Wordpress. I custom design websites. The process is: 1) I create Photoshop designs. It can be any design you want. There are no restrictions to the kind of web design you can have. Just give me a sketch or a description of your design or samples of other sites you like. I will design it for you and keep making changes till you like the design. 2) Once you like the designs I convert the Photoshop files to HTML5 & CSS3 layouts, using responsive frameworks like Skeleton, Bootstrap and Foundation, depending on the needs of the project. I will host it on a development server so that you can test out the static HTML website and verify that all the effects and functionality is working. 3) I use jQuery plugins for special effects to add that extra "bling" to your site. Like fancy slideshows, rollovers and popups. I can code almost any effect for you. Just describe it to me and I will try make it happen. jQuery is mobile friendly and will work on mobile devices, unlike Flash which doesn't. 4) After the HTML is ready, and you approve it, I convert it into a Wordpress theme or custom code the website in PHP. Wordpress lets you manage your website without having to deal with the code and technicalities. 5) Once the site is running the way you want it to I will upload it to your hosting service. I will upload the site and set up the Wordpress installation and database. I will also migrate any data that you might have created on the development server. 6) I integrate your site with social media networks and install Wordpress plugins to ensure that your site is spam free and safe from hackers. I create social media accounts on the main social networks if you don't already have accounts. I design the cover images and profile photos to give your social media accounts a professional and consistent look. I set up Facebook open graph plugins on your site so that Skills & Expertise CSSCSS3DesignHTMLHTML5PHPResponsive Web DesignWeb DesignWordPress Related Work Collections Web Designs 1 Reviews Oscar_Martin says, Digital Ant provided EXCELLENT service within a few hours of contacting him. I look forward to working with him in the future! for Web page development on Nov 02, 2013 Browse Similar Freelance Experts PHP DevelopersWordPress ExpertsDesignersHTML DevelopersCSS DevelopersAdobe After Effects Designers3D AnimatorsJoomla DevelopersDrupal DevelopersGraphic DesignersAnimatorsMySQL DevelopersAnalytics ExpertsManagement ExpertsAdvertising ExpertsEmail MarketersMarketersAdobe Photoshop DesignersWeb DesignersResponsive Web DesignersWeb DevelopersHTML5 Developers