All you have to do is answer the questions listed below and attach whatever you have of your job history. The more detail you give, the better. For $15, I will give you 2 revisions, a PDF, and editable Google Doc with your polished resume ready for potential employers' eyes!
Here's what I need from you:
What job/position are you applying for? Or what positions are you looking to steer your carreer towards?
List your strengths in the workplace (conversation, organizational skills, focus, timeliness, etc.).
List your weaknesses (this is so I don't write you into a position you don't want).
List any individuals' contact information** and relationship with you who can vouch for your work ethic/ skill.
List your work history, include as much information as possible (EX: dates started and finished at a company, position you worked, things you did on the daily, etc.)
**You don't have to send me any information that's personal for this to work. This transaction comes with your own editable template with all the hard stuff like job descriptions and skills pre-filled out for you. If you are uncomfortable sending a random stranger on the internet detailed information, I can hardly blame you.