As an experienced and successful Risk Manager of many decades, I will address your risks systematically - to mitigate their negative effect - and explore potential opportunities. I will apply a logical workflow - focusing on “control assurance” - and ensuring alignment with the International Standard for Risk Management ISO 31000. The approach is supported by an Excel Workbook and integrates the following key considerations: Stakeholders - who has an interest in the management of this risk and how should each stakeholder be communicated to and consulted with? Risk Statements - clear risk identification of the uncertain event, its causes, and its effects? Current Treatments - what are we currently doing to reduce or eliminate this risk – and how effective is it? Consequences - what might happen if the situation continues (i.e. we do nothing more than we have currently done)? Potential Proposed Treatments - what could we propose doing which might reduce or eliminate this risk - and what new risks might be introduced if we take this action?