Working as a technical consultant in the consulting teamResponsible for providing technical solutions,handle the responsibility of product installation, data miigration, testing and support; provide ongoing support while testing software ManagingProvide Corporate Training on Linux PlateformProvide Red Hat Training on (RH124 , RH134 , RH255 , RH436 , RHS333 ,RH 318)Project CoveredClient: - Venus Garments (Limited) IndiaWindows to Linux Migration (Active Directory to OpenLdap)Done 250 Users Migration from Windows Active Directory to OpenldapData Migration of 250 users from Windows to Ubuntu LinuxDone Ncomputing Xseries setup on LinuxClient :- NIC (National Informatics Centre) PUNERed Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV 2.2 to RHEV 3.0) Migration Done In NIC (National informatics Centre)Done Clustering Active/Passive over 2nodesDone Installation,Deployment and Troubleshooting of HypervisorsLive Migration TestingNetwork Bonding Done for Network Fail-overDevice Multipating with SAN StorageR