and setup pxe servers using RIS *Winpe* for deploying Windows.
Using Red
hat Enterprise Linux compiling programs from source code using bash,sh,perl,py and building modules using CPAN. Manage Redhat filesystems *Partitioning* using fdisk command makeing filesystems mkfs.ext3 followed by device interfaces ex <hdc1>. Process Management through Suse,Redhat, and Solaris.
Red hat Linux 5.1,4. Suse,8,9,10, Windows 2003,2008 and AIX, solaris
8,9,10. Configure device drivers,update server firmware,build and
setup pxe servers. Administer Red hat,Suse,Sles,and Windows
operating systems and process management.Backup files and restore
files configure proc compile kernels in Linux systems.Rpm verifying
and queries, hardening server