I have several years’ experience building RStudio environments and supporting the use of RStudio by research scientists at the California Department of Public Health. I have been involved in several major projects involving end to end automation and data deployment as well as setting up the architecture for publicly available high traffic R-Shiny public dashboards. I build and maintain the RStudio Server (now known as Workbench) development environments and assist with the full stack including Linux configuration, data mapping, network design, automated deployment, cross-entity collaboration (b2b), api publishing security and GIT dev-ops integration. I am responsible for maintaining the R packages and the associated underlying libraries including popular packages like RStan, RGDAL, PROJ and SF. Have done repository management both manually and using the enterprise product RStudio Package Manager.
Examples of my work include direct involvement with the complete architecture and data flow design for the popular California public Shiny dashboards https://calcat.covid19.ca.gov, https://skylab.cdph.ca.gov/ODdash and https://skylab.cdph.ca.gov/HealthyMobilityOptionTool-ITHIM
I have several years of Linux experience with the primary flavor being Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7/8 and some auxiliary experience with Ubuntu and Debian. My primary role is the entire scope of architecture, maintenance, security, and life-cycle upgrade of the Linux environments I manage.