I have more than 4 years of experience in developing enterprise-level web applications in the medical, e-commerce, CMS, real estate and auction spaces. I have created 20 small applications for clients and well as for my personal use using Ruby on Rails. I have also worked on upgrading Rails 2 version web applications to Rails 3.x version I have developed web applications using Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.x. With this application I have also used Javascript and Ajax. While developing web application I also follow TDD, BDD, and Agile. With these methods, I have provided high quality web applications to client before deadline. I also have expertise on managing various servers and deploying rails application on the servers. Technologies, I've worked with: Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, HAML, CSS, Compass, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongDB, Redis, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Javascript, jQuery, Google map API, Twitter API, Capistrano, Cruisecontrol.rb, Rspec, Cucumber, Rcov, Shoulds, Selenium, Linux, Mac OSx, Git, SVN, XML, RMagic, Sphinx, Omniaut/Devise/AuthLogic/restful-authentication, Httparty, Nokogiri and much more…