I specialize in complete website application. My websites use HTML5, CSS, Javascript, and Ruby On Rails/PostgreSQL if required. I start all projects with a chat / email, so we can discuss what you want your website to do and how you want it to look. Then I define and breakdown all the tasks together with milestones and timeline using codebasehq ( I prefer to use this because it's very easy to use ). And also setup new development machine for demo purposes using AWS / Heroku if necessary. With all the tasks and VPS complete, I code the functionality using Ruby On Rails/Postgresql/Javascript as appropriate. And also write testing specs using Rspec/Capybara to ensure all the code and functionalities works perfectly. Then I push all the code everyday to the repository and also update the latest source on VPS. So you can view all the progress. You can view examples of my work here - http://fajrif.herokuapp.com