Hello, my name is Ivan Rostovsky! I m Ruby-on-Rails programmer, Project Manager and CEO. I have started commercial web developing in 2004 and to this time made long way from Delphi and Java to Ruby-on-Rails. Now I prefer RoR for the site developing because it is the most wide-used and easy-to-understand framework, which is also allowed to use it for backend and for front-end as well. Due developing process I use the XP(eXtreme Programming) approach, it saves customer and me from frustrating and allows easily to know what is done and what is next step. Into latest projects we use Asana to keep tasks together. Skills: Ruby(1.8-2.1), Rails(2-4) and dependencies: Less, Coffescript, Capistrano, etc. Rate: $25-30/hr, discussible and depend on the project and period(ex: $25 for projects longer than 6 months) Github: https://github.com/Irostovsky Upwork: http://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~0173f585808ccdbc6e/ Skype: ivan.rostovsky