1. Architected multi-tenant Ruby on Rails application which allows clients to host their own web sites and collect user data that is stored in separate MongoDB databases. Background processing of data imports done using Resque and used Redis for application caching. 2. Setup application deployment using Docker and Kubernetes for automated scaling and deployment. 3. Developed REST APIs for clients to access features within the application. 4. Created multi-tier email marketing system built using AngularJS, C# using ASP .NET MVC and Web API. 5. Setup full deployment environments on AWS using EC2/RDS/Route 53/Elasticache. 6. Developed Car dealership CRM using Ruby on Rails. Setup the full web site on AWS after migrating from Heroku and worked on separate client and end user sites. Application used Bootstrap, Sidekiq, Postgresql and a variety of Amazon AWS services. 7. Develolped REST APIs for application integration with seperate iOS applications. 8. Added automated testing using RSpec and Capybara to the application in order to setup up continuous integration and deployment from git.