? Having in depth knowledge of Data Dictionary (DDIC) Objects like Search Help, Domains, Data Elements, Structure, Tables, Views and Lock Objects. ? Hands on experience in RICEF (Report, Interface (RFC, BAPI, ALE/IDOC), Conversion (BDC/LSMW), Enhancements (CUSTOMER EXITS & BADI) and Forms (Smartforms/Scripts)) objects. ? Proficient in Dialog programs using screen painter, flow logic - with PBO, PAI and transaction code & subroutines and menu painter. ? Extensively worked on transferring data from legacy system to SAP R/3 system using various data transfer technique such as BDC (call transaction and session method). ? knowledge on Web Dynpro, BAPI, User exits. ? Skills in Debugging, SQL Trace (ST05) & Performance Tuning, and Extended Program Check for better performance. ? Having in depth knowledge of - Transport Request (T-code-STMS) and monitoring spool request (T-code-SP01). ? Knowledge on SAP Workflow, SAP Webdynpro and ALE IDOC.