Looking for Mass GMB Scraping?
Our new Google Maps data extraction engine can scrape huge amounts of data very fast!
Google My Business data is key to gathering any leads for any purpose that is superbly maintained by Google.
By default, data extracted includes the following fields:
Business Name
- Address (city, street, zip code)
- Category
- PID (place_ID)
- Latitude & Longitude
- Phone Number
- Website URL if available
- Rating
- Reviews count
- Open Hours
- Feature Image URL
- Much more!
Add-on Services:
- Extract Email addresses if available from found website URL (even multiple emails per domain)
- Extract Google GMB Reviews
- Detect FB+GA pixels
- Email Validation
Before choosing the keywords make sure to test the results that you're getting from Google Maps. It will improve the scraping campaign and optimal the results.
For examples: Keyword + near + city + state/country