Being naturally curious, I've been in many different cultures and organizations. Since 2005 I've seen Computer Games, Financial Services, Transportation, Retail, Instant messaging, Banking, Telecommunications, Sporting Goods, IT and Analytics. I feel that these experiences help me every day. As an Agile Coach and Scrum Master I’m devoting myself to inspiring people to be engaged in their work, enjoy what they do, build great products, reach high levels of mastery and go home at the end of the day feeling good about themselves. Considering myself a team player, I possess an ability to build long lasting relationships and high performing teams. I’m primarily focusing on enabling people and helping them unlock their potential which will then serve their team, the product they’re crafting and why not the world around them. I feel great pleasure when helping organizations make better business decisions by enabling value as a core pillar of their culture and experimentation as one of catalysts to achieve it. I’m also a passionate practitioner of the 5 Scrum Values.