I'm an freelance SEA expert. I help you to develop your turnover and your online visibility in order to have a professional web presence, an optimal visibility, while controlling your costs. My versatility, expertise and adaptability make my partners and collaborators say that I am the right person to help them succeed in their customer acquisition strategies on the web. Moreover, as a certified freelancer : The basics of Google Ads I am fully capable of developing, analyzing and increasing your conversions through a thorough analysis of your traffic, targets and objectives. I am also able to meet the majority of your needs in terms of traffic and customer acquisition through search engine advertising that allows you to appear on the first page of search results. My role is to carry out for you sponsored links campaigns via Google Ads and sponsored ads via your social media. Moreover, after creating your campaigns, I regularly follow up to optimize your return on investment. Trust me and let's develop together your site and your traffic to promote your business and your services.