GREETINGS! I'm Vishal from RexWebsolution. Rex Websolution is mohali based IT company. We have highly experienced PHP web developers, web designers, graphic designers and SEO experts. I have an extensive experience in Drupal, Joomla, Cakephp, Magento, virtuemart, opencart, cs-cart CodeIgnitor, Wordpress and symofony,e-Commerce websites, shopping cart (MVC& CMS), auction websites.Apart from these technologies ,we have good experience of integrating followingAPI-1) Payment Gateways- Paypal(IPN,PayPal Pro, Express checkout, Website standard payment, Masspay),, ARB), secure pay, PSI, online mart, google checkout2) hosting API- enom, geo trust, cpanel, vps, plesk3) facebook ,Twitter, linkedin & myspace API4) Google map API integration5) airline hotel booking engine (galileo,GDS)6) Fedex, UPSMy Technical Expertise:PHP: CAKE PHP Wordpress JoomlaDrupal Smarty MY SQLWeb DesigningeCommercepayment gatewayTHANKS A LOT FOR READING MY PROFILE.I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH