Design and implementation of Sybase 12 SQL Server stored procedures, VB 6.0 forms, modules, classes and ActiveX controls and DLLs to create COM Add-Ins and DLLs for MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint, and design of macros and VBA code for regular applications and Add-ins for MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint. Those Applications, Add-Ins and DLLs are deployed to extend functionality of MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint for enterprise wide, internationalized, business critical Microsoft Office 2000 based PowerPoint financial publishing application as a supplemental part of DOCUMENTUM System for Investment Banking Department of financial company Morgan Stanley, using Excel, Word, PowerPoint, MS Access, Sybase 12, ADO, True DB Grid, MSXML3.0 parser, Transact-SQL, XML . This application allows users to rapidly create very impressive PowerPoint presentations, slides and exhibitions using a gallery of MS Excel Tables and Chart Templates, MS Word Documents and Table Templates, Sybase data