The ideal project would include...Complete web design for business websites - This would include data driven or non data driven sitesRe-design of your existing data driven or non data driven websiteLogo creationGraphic design - to be used in Marketing ads Graphics design - to be used in Print materials orGraphic design of company letterhead I also do...Domain hosting and ManagementEcommerce hosting and Ecommerce web designIncorporation of SSL Certificates to ensure security of online transactionsAnd develop business or personal email plans. For instance, a lot of small companies use an email like: or I can set up your company with its own personal email system including your own email would be willing to work on location if you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, but would rather work from my office. I will be honest, upfront and friendly and will treat you with complete professionalism in each of our tasks. Sincerely, Your Pe