» I’m Halima Hanafy, a Computer Science graduate living in M.Damena,Mansoura working as an android engineer. I search mostly in android developmentto know later updates in it. In the past I have worked at Gt4 company and Fekrah compay. I also do freelance work. Please drop a line if you want to hire me (or just want to let me draw your awesome portrait). » I worked on different technologies.I developed web apps using different java frameworks and developed mobile apps using android. I am also worked as a UI/UX designer and my favorite hobby is drawing. » I have a passion for technology and to develop my self more and more in it. » Specialties: Mobile Development, Android ,Material Design, Android Studio, Data Structures, SQLite, Eclipse, Android SDK, Web Services, SQLite, UI/UX design, JSON, XML, HTML, Illustrator, Photoshop.