I am a Senior Frontend developer with over 10 years of hands-on experience in software development and web application. Deliver clean codes and propose creative ideas to complete projects or solve issues in Agile Methodology and deadlines.
I can well cooperate with team members with clear and kind communication.
I am familiar with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket to manage versions and collaborate.
My skills stacks:
- JavaScript/TypeScript
- React/Redux
- Vue 2/Vue 3/Vuex
- Next.js/Nuxt.js
- Vuetify/Quasar/Element UI/Bootstrap-vue/Matrial UI/Antd
- Git & GitHub
- RESTful/GraphQL
- Firebase
- D3.js/ Highcharts.js/Apexcharts.js/Echarts.js
- Tailwand CSS/ Bootstrap
- JQuery
- Jest & Cypress
- Webpack/Babel
- Jira/Kanban/Clickup(Agile software)