I've been a full-stack web developer for many years. (Ever since I decided to stop making computer games several years ago.) I've worked with Python, Ruby, Javascript, SQL, CSS, and many other related technologies at a few great companies. I can handle anything from large scale system architecture to simple static webpages. I recently left my job at Airbnb to start a business. While I was there I helped build and launch the Airbnb Plus program, see (https://airbnb.com/plus). Among the many things I built in this role included the communications infrastructure connecting the operations team with hosts and a web tool used by a team of contractors to take action when a host violated the policies of the program. I served as team lead on the latter project. I've recently been focusing on building WordPress websites for companies. If that's you then we should definitely talk! You can learn more about me on my personal website: JesseAldridge.com I enjoy discussing just about anything tech related, so feel free to reach out if you'd like to chat.