I am a software engineer with 20 years experience in a wide range of industries. I've done everything from heavy processing to full-stack tiered web sites; from start-ups to FTSE 100 companies. I bring a business focus and the ability to bridge the gap between tech and business priorities. My main driver is to create useful software. I am particular interested in helping businesses that have neglected their backoffice / internal processes. Whether they are running on spreadsheets or legacy systems, I can help them capture and build new integrated enterprise-level systems from the ground up to meet their business requirements. I also consult as a CTO / Senior developer for start-ups or companies whose software projects are going off the rails to help get them back on track. That said, I enjoy just as much smaller projects such as building maintainable SDK wrappers around their APIs or building feeds. Something I am able to build quickly and robustly.