Hello, thanks for reviewing my profile. I'm Highly Skilled Mobile developer. 30+ full timer. I have been working for 4 years developer software for mobile systems Android and iOS. Including programming graphic designs and work with different back-end services. Have many devices for testing projects. For large projects, i have a designer and one more mobile developer. Knowledges: -Basic knowledge of basic programming and data processing algorithms. -Hands-on experience with Java, Swift, Android and iOS SDK(Android 6.0 and iOS 9 also, Swift 2.0). -Knowledges of architecture of the mobile platform Android, Android SDK, iOS(iOS 7.x-9). -Worked with multi-threaded application, using AsyncTask, Loaders. -Using Crashlytics and acra for crash reports , Flurry, Test Flight. -Experience with performance and memory tuning. -Knowledge API for working with graphics system, animation, sound, network, database, RESTful -API, back-end services, GCM Push notifications, HTTP base APIs, different Web-services (JSON, XML,SOAP, Parse.com). -Work experience in an environment Android Studio, Xcode. -Knowledges libraries for development, such as ActionBarSherlock, jsoup, SlidingMenu, photoView, Universal Image Loader, Retrofit, play-services, Otto, okHttp, ButterKnife and other. -Experience with Git, using Github and Bitbucket.