I’m a mobile app developer who have strong web skills and experience with industry experience in the mobile app world helping businesses promote themselves effectively. My expertise includes all aspects of mobile app development from business, social, GPS tracking, taxi, photo, food ordering, education, shopping, chat app development. Here's my strong skill set: - Languages: v Swift2.2 / Swift3.0 v Objective-C v Java v Typescript v Javascript - Hybrid App Development: v React Native v Ionic/Ionic2 v Nativescript - SPA Development: v ReactJS v AngularJS/Angular2 - Version Control: v Github v Bitbucket v SVN v Gitlab - Cloud Services: v Firebase v Azure v AWS v Back& v Quickblox - Databases: v SQLite v MySQL v Postgres v MongoDB - iOS Frameworks & SDKs: v Google Maps v Alamofire v CoreData v AVFoundation v AVKit v Corelocation v AFNetworking Thanks for your visiting!