- SSR(server side rendering) and SSG(static site generation) with getServerSideProps and getStaticProps functions.
- Static/Dynamic page router management with next-router
- API Endpoint with useSWR, Axios, GraphQL, and api page route
- Social OAUTH(google, facebook, github, twitter, etc) with next-auth
- Layout, UI/UX experience
- Rich React/React Hooks experiences
* State/Props management with useState, useEffect, useContext.
* Object/DOM management with useRef.
* Performance Optimization with useReducer, useCallback, useMemo.
* Global State management with Context API.
- State management with redux/react-redux/redux-thunk/redux-saga/mobx/flux
- SEO friendly with next-seo
* Add robots and sitemap
* Add schema markup with Json ld data structure
* Add Breadcrumb
* Add Meta data per page
* Add Keyword
* Add head and contents to the page for SEO friendly
- Optimize performance with ways such as
* Image optimization, Lazy loading with next-image Next.js Component
* Using Functional component and React Hooks, especially useCallback, useReducer and useMemo to prevent re-rendering.
* In case that the project is Enterprise, state management with Redux, without passing props to the Child component directly.
* Split third-party library code from the app by using CommonsChunkPlugin for webpack.
* Using Production Mode Flag in Webpack.
* Using React fragment.
* Analyzing and Optimizing Your Webpack Bundle Bloat.
* Using object structure of states/props.
* No use third party css framework like Material UI as it has potential performance slow down. (Optional)
* Using Storybook to build/test reusable components. (Optional)