I am a well versed with Ruby on Rails and have extensive experience with Spree Commerce, having 5 years Backend and Frontend experience. I also have too much experience with web designing and creating innovative Ideas for Web. Gems: Spree, Omniaut/Devise/AuthLogic/restful-authentication for authentication, declarative_authorization, cancan, omniauth-facebook, fog, themes_for_rails, formtastic, haml, will_paginate,client_side_validations, thinking_spinx, Javascript: jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, ZURB-foundation, Node.js, Backbone.js, Cross-browser javascript, HTML/CSS, Cross-browser html/css, HTML5/CSS3, Compass, SASS, Ajax CMS: RefineryCMS, AdminActive Payment Gateway : Authorize.net, Paypal, Stripe Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongDB, Oracle, Redis Cloud: Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Heroku, Git , SVN API Integration: Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, SMS Gateway, Google API, Google Map, Foursquare, pipl. Project Management Tools: Pivotal tracker, Base camp, Unfuddle