I am a senior Vue.js front-end develper with many years of experiences.
I have professional skills in Vue.js, Typescript,VueX, API integration using Axios, GraphQL, UI libraries like BootstrapVue/Vuetify, Storybook, Nuxt.js, SSR, Node.js, Express.js, unit tests with Jest, Docker, CI/CD.
I write high quality Vue.js code with setting ESlint and unit tests, and follow best practices to build the smart frontend in Vue.js.
Technologies used in this Booking website
Vue.js, Nuxt.js, SSR, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, AWS EC2, Docker, CI/CD
Here are some of my approaches to design front-end infrastructure.
1. Keep components small and function-specific
2. Reusability
3. Consolidate duplicate code
4. Comment only where necessary