From when I started my programming 6 years ago, I have been always attracted by great ideas in software field.
During my time at university, I was so fascinated by blockchain, a new technical trend, especially when the Ethereum network emerged. The concept of Smart Contracts was so amazing that I started learning a new language Solidity, along with its frameworks like Truffle and Hardhat.
As I realized web development skills are essential when it comes to application of blockchain technology, I rapidly developed my web development skills as one of my strong "weapon", especially for front-end side.
Recently, Flutter's idea has become another trend of mobile web development, where I am now actively involved to learn and contribute.
In a nutshell, my strong skillset includes:
- Fundamentals of Html, Javascript, CSS (5+ yrs of exp.)
- React.js, Typescript, Node.js, Next.js (5+ yrs of exp.)
- Solidity, Truffle, Hardhat (3+ yrs of exp)
- Flutter (3+ yrs of exp)
- Python, Django (5+ yrs of exp)