Does your office technology help you get more clients, or drive them away?
We offer a money back guarantee!
For example we turned a manual process that required a full time employee into a 1 hour per week position.
And now that employee spends all her time collecting unpaid revenue for the company instead.
They saved $1000 per month in postage AND collected an EXTRA $30,000 in the first 3 weeks.
Another client saved $7,000 per month in license fees.
Still another client saved $1,500 per month in phone bills.
Including my costs that is a 1100% return on investment.
If my $250 ($490 value) IT Audit can not save you $2,500 then it's on the house and you keep the report.
(Must have 10 or more PCs)
While I'm there if there is something I can fix I will at NO CHARGE.
We offer a money back guarantee!
(Terms and limitations apply)
Do you LOVE your current Computer Support Company?
Make us the Backup Advisor.
By the way, I will pay