A self-hosted runner is a system that you deploy and manage to execute jobs. There are several benefits of deploying self-hosted runners instead of GitHub runners. The Self-hosted runners offer more control over the hardware, the operating system, and the software tools than the GitHub-hosted runners. Self-hosted servers can speed up the performance of the CI/CD servers and reduce the cost of the development. You can either rent our server or we can set up your server as per your choice. In most cases,It is also noticed that the cost of a server is usually lower than the GitHub fees.
Some Additional Benefits of Self-Hosted Runners:
- Create custom hardware configurations to meet your needs of processing power or memory to run larger jobs.
- Install software available on your local network.
- Choose an operating system that is not offered by GitHub-hosted runners.
Self-hosted runners can be Physical, Virtual, In a Container, On-Premises, or Over a Cloud Setup.