eDesign Mart helps you launch your Shopify store with complete confidence. We believe in you and we want you to believe us for customizing your shopify store. We will put out our best efforts to give a complete appealing and Professional look to your store that will motivate you to launch it as soon as possible. - Responsive as standard All of our existing shopify store designs and the upcoming projects are completely mobile-friendly. It means that they can be viewed easily on every mobile device. A mobile-friendly design has become the most important part to both Shop owners and the customers as well. The two key reasons that will motivate you to get a mobile-friendly design today from eDesign Mart. The first is the user-friendly interface and increased usability on every mobile device. With more and more smart phones being launched everyday in the market, more than 70% of the web browsing is through mobile phones. The second reason is the higher chances to get yourself ranked on Google because Google prefers the Mobile-friendly designs. It will recommend your site to the mobile users and will also include a mobile friendly tag next to your site to confirm that the site is mobile-compatible.