Mayank Pandey
1675 W Chapel Ave, Apt# 7
Camarillo CA 93010
Career Summary
* Ability to work and manage multiple project's simultaneously.
* Excellent programming and problem-solving skills.
* Conversant in building Desktop, Hand-held and Web-Based systems in Windows environment.
Work Experience
At: Roadrunner Shuttle, Camarillo, CA (Oct-04 to .)
Position: Senior Software Engineer
* Designed and co-authored automatic credit-card processing and account updating using PC-Charge server as backed-end processor and .NET was used for system integration.
* Designed web-based reservation system for shuttle transportation, with online credit card processing and email confirmation. The system was implemented by my Pnestec, India team using tools like ASP .NET and C# .NET.
* Designed two-tier GPS based Vehicle Tracking system, where-in the location data is sent to the remote server over GSM. The vehicle route and history is displayed on Web-based and desktop based front end. T