I am a RockStar that's what my clients said about me. Professional with ambition of getting interesting work done. Innovative, process-oriented engineer and software designer with strong academic background. Joy of extreme programming and hardcore programming problems.Node.js Working Knowledge:Node-Modules:async, connect, express, mongodb, request, apn, ql.io-engine, pem, winston, winston-mongodb, node-sql, nodemailer, connect-http-signature, http-signature, underscore, file-utils, validator, mongoskin, passport, yql, schema.js, node-gcm, forever, mongodb_s3_backupDeployment Platforms:Heroku, Amazon EC2, AzureDatabases:Mongodb, SQL Server Professional with ambition of getting interesting work done. Innovative, process-oriented engineer and software designer with strong academic background. Joy of extreme programming and hardcore programming problems.